Classification in Reasoning - Practice Questions

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DIRECTIONS for the question 1 to 5: Choose the word which is least like other words in the group.
  1. 1. Zebra
    2. Lion
    3. Tiger
    4. Horse
    5. Giraffe
  2. Suggested Action
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  3. 1. Parrot
    2. Bat
    3. Crow
    4. Sparrow
    5. Pigeon
  4. 1. Copper
    2. Zinc
    3. Brass
    4. Aluminium
    5. Iron
  5. 1. Apple
    2. Marigold
    3. Rose
    4. Lily
    5. Lotus
  6. 1. January
    2. May
    3. July
    4. August
    5. November
DIRECTIONS for questions 6 to 9: Choose the odd pair of words.
  1. 1. Blacksmith : Anvil
    2. Carpenter : Saw
    3. Barber : Scissor
    4. Goldsmith : Ornaments
    5. Sculptor ; Chisel
  2. 1. Painter : Gallery
    2. Actor : Stage
    3. Mason : Wall
    4. farmer : Field
    5. Worker : Factory
  3. 1. Cow : Calf
    2. Dog : Bitch
    3. Lion : Cub
    4. Tortoise : Turtle
    5. Insect : Larva
  4. 1. Volume : Litre
    2. Time : Seconds
    3. Length : Metre
    4. Resistance : Ohm
    5.Pressure : Barometer
  5. 1. White : Dirty
    2. Easy : Difficult
    3. Brave : Coward
    4. End : Beginning
DIRECTIONS for questions 11 to 15: in each of the following questions, five pairs of words are given, out of which the words is four pairs bear a certain common relationship. Choose the pairs in which the words are differently related.
  1. 1. Shoe : Leather
    2. Iron : Axe
    3. Table : Wood
    4. Jewellery : Gold
    5. Shirt : Fabric
  2. 1. Mason : Wall
    2. Cobbler : Shoe
    3. Farmer : Crop
    4. Chef : Cook
    5. Choreographer : Ballet
  3. 1. Daring : Timed
    2. Beautiful : Pretty
    3. Clear : Vague
    4. Youth : Adult
    5. Native : Alien
  4. 1. See : Eye
    2. Hear : Ears
    3. Smell : Nose
    4. Touch : Skin
    5. Tongue : Taste
  5. 1. Bottle : Wine
    2. Cup : Tea
    3. Pitcher : Water
    4. Ball : Bat
    5. Inkpot : Ink
DIRECTIONS for questions 16 to 20: In each of the following questions, certain pairs of words are given, out of which the words in all pairs except one, bear a certain common relationship. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related.
  1. 1. Car : Road
    2. Ship : Sea
    3. Rocket : Space
    4. Aeroplane : Pilot
  2. 1. Beautician : Parlour
    2. Chemist : Medicine
    3. Lawyer : Court
    4. Engineer : Site
  3. 1. Saw : Wood
    2. Pen : Paper
    3. Author : Book
    4. Chalk : Blackboard
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  5. 1. Water : Thirst
    2. Talent: Education
    3. Food: Hunger
    4. Air : Suffocation
  6. 1. Apple : Jam
    2. Lemon : Citrus
    3. Orange : Squash
    4. Tomato : Pury
1. 4 Here, all except Horse, are wild animals, while Horse can be domesticated.
2. 2 Sol. Here, all except Bat, belong to the class of Aves (birds), while Bat is a mammal. Hence, the answer is 2.
3. 3 Here, all except Brass are metals, while Brass is an alloy, Hence, the answer is 3
4. 1 Here, all except Apple are flowers, while Apple is a fruit. Hence, the answer is 1.
5. 1 Here, all except November are months having 31 days, while November has 30 days. Hence the answer is 1.
6. 4 In all other pairs, second is the tool used by the first.
7. 3 In all other pairs, second is the working place of the first.
8. 2 In all other pairs second is the young one of the first, while in 2. Second is the female of the first.
9. 5 In all other pairs second is the unit to measure the first. On the other hand, barometer is an instrument.
10. 1 In all other pairs, the two words are antonyms of each other.
11. 2 In all other pairs, first is a product made from the second.
12. 4 In all other pairs, second is prepared by the first.
13. 2 In all other pairs, the two words are antonyms of each other.
14. 5 In all other pairs, first denotes the function performed by the second.
15. 4 In all other pairs, first is used to hold the second.
16. 4 In all other pairs, first is the means of transport on the medium denoted by the second.
17. 2 In all other pairs, second is the place where first works.
18. 3 In all other pares, first is the tool which works over the second.
19. 2 In all other pairs, lack of first causes the second.
20. 2 In all other pairs, second is the form in which the first is preserved.
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