Medium Logical Puzzles - 4

You will often come across some puzzle problems in reasoning section of many competitive exams. These questions intend to check your basic logical, analytical and deductive abilities. Here, we have compiled a series of different logic and reasoning puzzles, according to the difficulty level. Each article contains 10 logical and analytical puzzles with solutions. You will learn how to solve puzzle in reasoning section of exams. This set consists of 10 medium level questions.
Practice the given questions and check your logical abilities:
Q.1. Mink was looking at a portrait in his house. Someone asked her, "Whose picture are you looking at?" She replied, pointing at the portrait: "Brothers and sisters have I none, but this man's daughter is my father's daughter." Now whose picture is the Mink looking at?
Mink is looking at her FATHER's portrait.
"my father's daughter" is the Mink herself as she does not have any brothers and sisters. So the statement reduces to "this man's daughter is myself."
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Q.2. Given the following facts:
D is younger than F and older than G.
J is younger than C and older than E.
A is younger than I and older than C.
F is younger than B and older than H.
I is younger than G and older than J.
H is older than G.
Who is the Youngest?
From (1) G is younger than D and F.
From (5) J is younger than I and G.
From (2) E is younger than J and C.
From above 3 deductions, E is younger than D, F, I, G, J and C.
Also, from (3) C is younger than A and I.
From (4) H is younger than F and B.
From (6) G is younger than H.
From above 3 deductions,
G is younger than F, B and H. Also, C is younger than A and I. But as seen earlier, E is younger than G and C. Hence, E is the youngest.
Q.3. Two twins have certain peculiar characteristics. One of them always lies on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The other always lies on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.On the other days they tell the truth. You are given a conversation.
Person A-- today is Sunday, my name is Ram.
Person B -- today is Thursday, my name is Shyam. What day is today?
On Sunday both speak the truth and on rest days both speak truth and lie alternatively. Had it been Sunday both would have said that it is Sunday. So A is telling a lie and when one person lies other speaks the truth .Hence B is speaking the truth .hence today is Thursday.
Q.4. A lady and a gentleman are wife and husband. We do not know who is older.
Someone asked them: Who is older?
The wife said: I am older.
The husband said: I am younger.
At least one of them was lying. Who is older?
Since there is no conflict between what they said, it meant that either they both told a lie or both told the truth. In this case they both told a lie. The answer is the husband is older.
Q.5. Taking off at the same exact moment, two planes are flying across the Sinmian sea. One is going from Champaran to Patni Top at 400 km per hour and the other leaves from Patni Top to Champaran at only 500 km per hour (because of a strong head wind). Which one will be closer to Patni Top when they meet?
They will both be the same distance from Patni top when they meet!!!
Q.6. Mr. Orange, Mr. Green and Mr. Yellow were chatting in the FALTU group meeting. They were wearing a orange costume, a green costume and a yellow costume, not necessarily in the same order. Mr. Yellow sent message, "We all are wearing costume that are of the same color as our names but none of us is wearing a costume that is the same color as his name." On that a person wearing the green costume replied, "What difference does that make?" Can you tell what color costume each of the three persons had on?
Mr. Yellow must not be wearing yellow costume as that is the same color as his name. Also, he was not wearing green costume as the person wearing green costume responded to his comment. So Mr. Yellow must be wearing a orange costume.
Similarly, Mr. Green must be wearing either orange or yellow costume. But Mr. Yellow is wearing a orange costume. Hence, Mr. Green must be wearing a yellow costume. And, Mr. Orange must be wearing green costume.
Q.7. Q, R, S and T are related to each other. (1) T is Q's brother or only daughter. (2) Q or R is S's only son. (3) R or S is T's sister. (4) One of the four is the opposite gender from each of the other three. How are they related to each other?
From (1) and (3), T can not be the only daughter and have a sister (R or S). Hence, T is T's brother i.e. D is a Male.
From (3), let's say that R is T's sister i.e. R is Female.
From (2), Q is S's only son i.e. Q is Male.
But T is Q's brother which means that Q is not S's only son. Hence, our assumption was wrong. Thus, S is T's sister i.e. S is Female. And R must be S's only son. Now it is clear that T & R are Males and S is Female. Q must be a Male as only one of them is of opposite sex from each of the other three. And he is S & T's brother.
Q.8. Manisha prefers her date to be tall, dark and handsome. Of the preferred traits - tall, dark and handsome - no two of Anuj, Balbir, Chiman and Debjit have the same number.
Only Anuj or Debjit is tall and fair.
Only Balbir or Chiman is short and handsome.
Anuj and Chiman are either both tall or both short.
Balbir and Debjit are either both dark or both fair.
Who is Manisha's date?
As no two of them have the same number of preferred traits - from (1), exactly one of them has none of the preferred traits and exactly one of them has all the preferred traits.
From (4) and (5), there are only two possibilities:
* Anuj & Chiman both are tall and Balbir & Debjit both are fair.
* Anuj & Chiman both are short and Balbir & Debjit both are dark.
But from (2), second possibility is impossible. So the first one is the correct possibility i.e. Anuj & Chiman both are tall and Balbir & Debjit both are fair.
Then from (3), Balbir is short and handsome.
Also, from (1) and (2), Anuj is tall and fair. Also, Debjit is the person without any preferred traits. Chiman is Dark. Anuj and Chiman are handsome.
Thus, following are the individual preferred traits:
Chiman - Tall, Dark and Handsome
Anuj - Tall and Handsome
Balbir - Handsome
Debjit - None
Hence, Chiman is Manisha's date.
Q.9. Rakesh speaks truth only in the morning and lies in the afternoon, whereas Sanjay speaks truth only in the afternoon and lies in the morning. A says that B is Rakesh. Is it morning or afternoon and who is A - Rakesh or Sanjay?
Consider the following 4 possible answers:
It is Morning and A is Rakesh.
It is Morning and A is Sanjay
It is Afternoon and A is Rakesh
It is Afternoon and A is Sanjay
Thus, it is Afternoon and A can be Sanjay or Rakesh
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Q.10. If there are twenty parrots on a fence and the farmer shoots a fifth of them, how many parrots are left?
None. The rest of the parrots flew away when they heard the gunshot.